Recode Studios' Journey From 1% to 7% Conversion Rate

Beauty and Cosmetics
Case Study


Beauty and Skincare




Low conversion rates, limited customer engagement, and high cart abandonment on their website.


Developed a seamless, user-friendly mobile app with personalized push notifications and advanced analytics.


Significantly increased revenue, boosted conversion rates by 600%, and enhanced customer engagement, contributing to 35% of total eCommerce revenue.

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About Recode Studios

Recode Studios, a well-known name in the beauty and skincare industry, had always been committed to innovation. Yet, despite a strong online presence, they faced a series of challenges that hindered their growth. Their eCommerce website was bustling with traffic, but the conversion rates were disappointing. Customers visited, browsed, but often left without making a purchase. The engagement levels were not as high as they hoped and most concerning of all was the high rate of cart abandonment, which represented a significant loss in potential sales.

Determined to address these issues, Recode Studios decided to leverage the power of mobile commerce. They turned to Plobal Apps, known for its expertise in developing robust and user-friendly mobile applications, to create a native mobile app tailored to their needs.

App Conversion Rate
25k +
Monthly Active Users
Abandoned Cart Conversions
No items found.
App StorePlay Store


Based on the information provided by the Recode Studios team, it was apparent that they

  • Had a very large amount of traffic on the mobile website which indicated that their users wanted a mobile experience.
  • Had not leveraged any owned marketing channel for retention of users and hence had to acquire new users everyday on a premium.
  • Had a very low conversion rate on the desktop, somewhere around 0.05% mark and around 1.00% on the mobile website which is considered quite low.

The Journey to 7X Conversions:

The team at Plobal Apps worked closely with Recode Studios to ensure the app was not just a mobile version of their website but a comprehensive solution to their existing challenges. The app was designed to provide a seamless and intuitive shopping experience, far surpassing what the website could offer.

1. Enhanced User Experience:

The app was built with a focus on user experience. It was fast, responsive, and easy to navigate. Customers could browse products, read reviews, and make purchases with just a few taps.

The results were indisputable. The mobile app saw a massive increase in activity with an average of 25,000 Monthly Active Users (MAU) creating nearly 200,000 app sessions per month. This high level of engagement indicated that users found the app valuable and frequently interacted with it.

2. Owned Marketing Channel:

Opposite to the behavior of users on the website, the mobile app managed to retain up to 39% of their users month on month. This meant that Recode Studios was now growing their user base regularly and could further retarget their most loyal customers with exciting offers and promotions at absolutely no cost.

Today the Recode Studios mobile app drives a 50% repeat purchase rate which is 20% higher than what they see on the website. They now have access to their very own community of Recode Heads who truly resonate with their brand and values. $Kaching$!

3. Personalized Push Notifications:

One of the standout features was the ability to send personalized push notifications. These notifications were tailored based on user behavior and preferences. Whether it was a reminder about an abandoned cart or an alert about a new product that matched their interests, these notifications helped keep customers engaged and coming back for more.

The impact of these push notifications was immense. Recode Studios saw a conversion rate of nearly 17% on their Abandoned Cart campaigns which is truly phenomenal.

4. Advanced Analytics:

The app provided detailed analytics on customer behavior, allowing Recode Studios to understand their audience better and make data-driven decisions. This real-time data was crucial in optimizing marketing strategies, conversion rates and improving customer satisfaction.

Infact, remember how their mobile websites conversion rate was only about 1.00%? The mobile app conversion rate peaked at nearly 6.60% which is almost 7X. This stark difference highlighted the app's superior ability to convert visitors into customers.

5. Revenue Surge:

At the end, it all comes down to one thing - REVENUE. The addition of a mobile app as an owned marketing channel has uplifted Recode Studios revenue by nearly 63% and continues to grow each year. The consistently higher conversion rates and 20% increased Average Order Value (AOV) seen from the mobile app has proven that an app is just better at eCommerce.

A New Era for Recode Studios

The launch of the mobile app marked a new era for Recode Studios. The app didn't just solve the problems they were facing with their website; it transformed their business. The personalized shopping experience, the targeted engagement through push notifications, and the convenience of a mobile platform all contributed to a significant boost in sales and customer loyalty.

Recode Studios' story is a testament to the power of mobile commerce. By partnering with Plobal Apps, they were able to create an app that not only met the needs of their customers but also exceeded their expectations. As a result, driving more growth and sales for the brand, setting a new standard for customer engagement in the beauty and skincare industry.

For businesses looking to enhance their eCommerce strategy, the success of Recode Studios illustrates the immense potential of a well-executed mobile app. To learn more about how Plobal Apps can help your business achieve similar results, visit Plobal Apps.


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